
目前显示的是 八月, 2018的博文

Development Issues of China Aluminium Circle Industry

As a newly emerging industry,  China aluminium circle  industry had a surprising developing speed in the past years. And its developing prospect is really promising under globalizing environment. However, issues still exist in the industry. In spite of larger market scale and production volume in comparison with more developed countries,  China  aluminium circle industry is far behind in technology. A few big manufacturers do master advanced technology, but there are more small companies with backward processes. The market is in such a chaos that price debates are on everyday. Many honest companies take risk of being kicked out by unfair competition. This problem roots in nonuniform standards and rules of the industry which has developed too fast for decision makers to make efficient rules to regulate the market and competition. It’s strange that  China  aluminium circle manufacturers  would rather supply products of better quality to overseas clients than domestic buyers. The m

Painted Aluminium Sheet Features

Painted aluminium sheet  have extraordinary features which make it a popular metal material in various industries. 1. Good smoothness. There’s no pressing marks on the surface in spite of repeated punching under high temperatures.  Color coated aluminium sheet  have been obtained by complicated manufacturing steps. Melted aluminum are not pressed into sheets directly as some people would imagine. They are first made into coils of a certain thickness. The coils are then bent repeatedly to release remaining stress from previous production processes. Finally, the coils are cut into pieces of sheets of given sizes. Therefore, there’s no remaining stress causing deformation in further manufacturing. 2. Excellent decorative effect. At present there are so many  aluminum coil colors  that clients can genuinely name any color they want. In addition to colors, grains and designs can be customized as required. There are vivid wood and stone grains. Clients can even send self-made designs to

Aluminum Tread Plate Classifications

The first classification method for  aluminum tread plate  is by aluminum content. People refer to  aluminum chequer sheet   of the highest aluminum content (99.9% and above) as super pure sheet, and of 99% aluminum content as pure sheet. There are also aluminum alloy plates, which are made of aluminum and a second metal like copper, manganese, silicon etc. Some sheets contain more than two metals, and they are called composite sheets. By thickness there are thin  aluminum tread plate s (0.15-2.0mm), regular plates (2.0-6.0mm), medium thick plates (6.0-25.0mm) and thick plates (25-200mm). Aluminum checker plate patterns include 5 bars, diamond, pebble, stucco, willow leaves etc. The first two serve as the most widely used anti-slip plates in elevators, vehicles, planes, ships etc, and the others are usually applied as packing materials owing to excellent decorative effect. The sheets of all patterns can be further painted with any given color. In accordance with the industrial sta


今日は珍しいものではないアルミホイル包装材は、上層階でのみ楽しむ豪華な品目でした。技術革命が アルミ箔 パッケージを一般的かつ普遍的なものにするには、何世紀もかかりました。希少なものはより多くの費用がかかります。 20世紀の初め、 アルミニウム箔 の製造は、アルミニウム箔の包装を最も高価な包装材料とした後方技術によって大きく制限されていました。ランクとファイルには、この豪華な素材について学ぶ機会がありませんでした。 1911年、スイスの甘い会社が包装の世界をすぐに変えたという決定を下しました。錫箔よりも安価な アルミニウム箔 パッケージングが業界で注目を集め始めた。 後の30年で アルミ箔 のパッケージングが安定して開発されました。第二次世界大戦までは軍事用の包装材として優れた断熱性と広範性を示していたため、その発展は非常に速くなった。 1950年代には、アルミホイル包装の用途がさらに広がった。なぜなら、人々は紙とプラスチックで箔をうまく複合化し、その有用性を高めたからである。 20年後、工場では箔にロゴやデザインを印刷することができたため、カラー印刷の開発によってアルミホイルのパッケージはより美しくユニークになりました。今やその技術は成熟してきており、新世代の アルミニウム箔 は、わずか6.5マイクロメートルの厚さであり、包装材料としてだけでなく偽造方法としても機能する。 Reprinted from http://www.alujp.com/aluminum-foil-packing-history.html

Mirror Finish Aluminum Sheet Metal Used for Labels

Mirror finish aluminum sheet metal  refers to  polished aluminium sheet s with at least 80% reflectivity. Superior sheets can reach a reflectivity of 95% and above. Base plate alloys include 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100, 3003, 5005 and 5057.  Aluminium mirror sheet  is used for labels because of its excellent decorative effect, good weather resistance and low cost. Mirror finish aluminum sheet metal  has extraordinary decorative effect. Its shiny surface adds taste to bags, wallets and other daily belongs. It can be painted with colors like gold, light green, silver to match colors and styles of an item. The sheet is of proper strength, and can be embossed with logos directly on the surface. It’s convenient to cut a piece of polished aluminum sheet into pieces of any given size. Some labels on shoes are so tiny that they are only several millimeters long and wide. In spite of its tiny size, the sheet piece also has logos or designs on its surface. The sheet perform such good weather res

Lacquered Aluminum Sheet for Ring Pull Bottle Cap for Beer

Lacquered aluminum sheet  for  ring pull bottle cap for beer  is also referred to as “bottle capping sheet” in aluminum manufacturing industry. It’s base plates include alloys of 1060, 3104, 3105, 5052, 5182 and 8011. These plates go through cold roll, foil roll, annealing, a second foil roll, stretch bending correction and slitting before becoming finished rolls. The rolls are then flattened, painted, dried, repeatedly punched and printed with anti-counterfeiting marks to become qualified  lacquered aluminum sheet   for  ring pull bottle cap for beer . Better stretching properties are required with beer bottle capping sheets than sheet coils for makeup and medicines. Big aluminium product suppliers like Haomei provide tempers of H14, H16, H18 and H19 to meet different application requirements of the sheets. Superior  lacquered aluminum sheet s have clean and smooth surface, free from visible rolling marks, black lines, oil stains, scratches or brighter lines. They should have pr

Pebble Embossed Aluminum Sheet Used for Packing

Metal packing account for 10% of China packing industry, among which  pebble embossed aluminum sheet  serve as an important raw material. It’s usually used for packing of solid food, can food, beverage, grease, chemicals, medicines, stationery, makeup etc. It has good mechanical property, excellent insulation property and convenient automatic production. Boasting extraordinary properties, it can be made into various shapes with delicate designs. Pebble embossed aluminum sheet  has better mechanical properties in comparison with non-metal containing materials. It does not crack or break like crumbly glass or paper, and it’s much stronger than plastics. The sheet has better insulation effect as well. Aluminum containers keep the exterior air, moisture, light outside while original fragrance of a product inside. Therefore, they can protect packed products effectively. The manufacturing of  embossed aluminium sheet  and metal containers has such a long history that the industry has an

Why are Curtain Walls of Luxury Buildings Made of Aluminum Plates

From the tallest Princess Tower to the dearest Hongkong Tianhui, why do designers of luxury buildings select  aluminum plates  as curtain walls as if they have made an agreement? Generally speaking, nowadays building designers choose materials based on three factors: aesthetic requirement, safety and environmental consideration. The metal reflectivity of  aluminum plates  gives off a grand noble elegance which makes a building more attractive, prominent and superior. The metal color or painted color can last decades without decaying. The curtain walls are of full closed type, and that effectively solves the problem of revealing of air conditioner and water supply pipelines. The safety of  aluminium plate s first refer to their light weight and good strength. With much smaller density than other metals, aluminum sheets weigh far less under the same size. The hardness of  marine 5052 aluminum plate  and profile 6061 sheet is sufficient to withstand exterior pressure from the nature.

A New Type of Aluminum Circle Punch Line

Manufacturers of  aluminum circle punch es have developed a new type of line that is said to helps to save cost in manual work, equipment investment, punch oil and public spending. This punch line requires less manual work than traditional lines consisting of 38 sets of machines operated by nine people. The new line needs only four people, one of which serves as a back up. Featured by a higher automatic level, its punching speed reaches 400 times per minute, far above 110 of traditional lines. According to  aluminum circle punch  manufacturers, it helps to save salary cost of 250,000RMB each year. Comprising only 9 sets of machines, the equipment costs 140,000RMB less than traditional lines. It consumes only half of the punch oil in amount. As a result, this saves around 300,000RMB per year. The reduction of public relation cost results from improvement of quality of aluminium circles. The new  aluminum circle punch  line produces discs with high efficiency and precision. As know

How to Protect Mirror Finish Anodized Aluminium Sheet Surface

The protection of  mirror finish anodized aluminium sheet  surface consists of two parts: protection against chemical reactions and physical damages. Chemical reactions are likely to happen between oxygen in the air and active metals like aluminum. In manufacturing process of  mirror finish anodized aluminium mirror sheet s, a proper amount of other metals such as manganese, magnesium, copper and Zinc are added to aluminum. These metals react with aluminum quickly and aluminum alloys are produced. In spite of better mechanical properties and wider application scope than pure aluminum sheets, the alloys react to oxygen easily. The process of such a reaction is also called corrosion. The surface gets dotted with dark spots of aluminium oxide.  Reflective aluminum mirror sheet s are known for high brightness and reflectivity, and it would be devastating for them to get oxidized, for they would not be “mirror” sheet any more. To solve the problem manufacturers have the sheets go throu

New Order of Mirror Finish Aluminum Sheet

Recently, we received a new order of 100-ton  mirror finish aluminum sheet  from a Spanish client. As a lamp manufacturer, he will apply the sheets in production of lamp reflecting covers and parts. He is among the few clients who put a big order without having a trial order in advance. However, he was extremely careful and strict in checking our company information and testing our samples. When he decided that we were qualified enough as a reliable supplier, he did not hesitate about putting the order. Mirror finish aluminum sheet s can be applied widely in lighting industry. Its high reflectivity helps to send lamp light to given directions and make a lamp look brighter than it is. While being used as ornaments, the shiny parts of different colors add beauty to a plain room. Generally speaking,  reflective mirror aluminum sheet  alloys include 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100, 3003, 5005 and 5057, among which 5xxx sheets are the best because it has the strongest reflective effect. In addi

1000 Series Aluminum Discs Used for Cookware

1000 series aluminum discs  include alloys of 1050, 1060, 1070 and 1100. 1000 series of aluminum products contain the highest content of aluminium in all series. They have high plasticity, good corrosion resistance (but not so good as other series) and satisfying conductivity, but their strength is the lower than other series. They can not processed by heat treatment. Contact welding and gas welding are suitable for them.  1000 series aluminum discs   are usually made into products based on their properties above. The most popular application is cookware. Cookware made of  aluminium circles  matches kitchen appliance and furniture easily in style and texture, adding harmony and fashion to the style of a kitchen. As a further processed pure metal material,  1000 series aluminum discs  of strengthened oxidation films are endowed with stronger weather resistance, richer color selections and stabler properties. They seldom have chemical reaction with other materials, nor do the cookw

How to Install Embossed Aluminium Sheet Metal

Embossed aluminium sheet metal  covers a wide range of application in our daily life. If you are a wall cladding worker or you like do-it-yourself activities, you may need some skills about quick and convenient installation of embossed sheets. Among leading  embossed aluminum sheet suppliers , we give tips as bellow. First, if you will install  embossed aluminium sheet metals  into a steel-type frame, you should first drill a hole in the direction of the screw with an electric drill. The hole diameter should be based on the standard diameter of the screw. After placing the sheets into the frame, you should tighten sheet with a self-tapping screw. If it is a wooden frame, wood screws would be enough to fix the sheet onto the frame. Second, non-exposure method should be adopted with the connection of screws. In other words, the screw heads should be concealed inside. One end of the sheet is fixed by screws whose heads stretch out. The heads then insert into the adjoining sheets that

Cuộn dây nhôm tráng màu được sử dụng cho mái nhà

Cuộn dây nhôm tráng màu  có một loạt các ứng dụng, bởi vì nó đáp ứng yêu cầu thẩm mỹ và cung cấp khả năng vô hạn cho các nhà thiết kế trong việc lựa chọn màu sắc, hình dạng và tập quán. Do dải màu phong phú, cuộn nhôm mạ màu thường được sử dụng cho những nơi có yêu cầu trang trí như tường ngoài, trần nhà và bảng quảng cáo, trong đó trần nhà chiếm một phần lớn thị trường. Với nhiều thập kỷ kinh nghiệm sản xuất và 15 năm lịch sử xuất khẩu, cuộn dây nhôm của chúng tôi đã trở nên phổ biến ở hàng chục quốc gia. Cuộn dây nhôm tráng màu  của chúng tôi có những ưu điểm sau trong khi sử dụng cho trần nhà lợp: Đầu tiên, tài sản chế biến tốt. Nó có độ cứng trung bình, giúp dễ dàng ép hoặc đấm vào bất kỳ hình dạng và khung hình cần thiết nào. Thứ hai, sức đề kháng thời tiết tuyệt vời. Chúng tôi chọn cuộn dây nhôm chất lượng, vật liệu PE / PVDF tuyệt vời và đại lý đấu thầu làm nguyên liệu thô, kết hợp chúng với công nghệ tạo phức hợp cao cấp. Kết quả là, sản phẩm của chúng tôi có độ cứng cần t

Electrolytic Polishing Technique for Aluminium Mirror Sheet

Electrolytic polishing technique ranks among the most frequently applied surface treatment methods for  mirror finish anodized aluminium sheet s. It endows  reflector aluminium mirror sheet s with high brightness and reflectivity, making them suitable for various applications in decoration and reflection. In aluminum industry, electrolytic polishing refers to a technical method applying the principle of electrochemical anode dissolution to finish the surface of  aluminium sheet metals . Aluminum sheets connected to the positive pole of the direct current power source is placed in the polishing liquid as an anode, and the stainless steel connected to the negative electrode of the direct current is used as a cathode. In this way, an electric field is formed. Influenced by the peaks and valleys on the sheet surface, the dispersion of micro electric fields becomes non-uniform. The power line at the peaks is concentrated to form a large current density, which makes both the electroche

High Quality Aluminum Honeycomb Panels for Sale

  We have high quality  aluminum honeycomb panels for sale  of 1100, 3003 and 5005. The thickness of the skin board ranges from 0.5mm to 1.0mm and that of the base board include 4mm, 6mm, 10mm, 12mm, 25mm and 50mm. Paintings of PVDF, FEVE and PE are available. The coating thickness of PVDF is from 25um to 33um, and that of PE is lower, from 15um to 20um. Standard sizes comprise 1220mmx2440mm, 1250mmx3000mm and 1500mmx3000mm.   Our  aluminum honeycomb panels for sale  have excellent fire proof property. Their raw materials, aluminium plates, are a kind of non-combustible material by nature. As an environmental friendly material, the panels neither volatilize any harmful gases nor have any radioactivity. Besides, they can be recycled by almost 100%. Our  aluminum honeycomb panels for sale  are corrosion resistant as well. They have been treated with epoxy fluorocarbon and 48-hour slat spray, which greatly strengthens their corrosion resistance and integrity. There are no pinholes, cra

Application of Orange Peel Pattern Stucco Embossed Aluminium Sheet

The  orange peel pattern stucco embossed aluminium sheet  is obtained by getting regular aluminum sheets through rollers with patterns of orange peel. As a unique type of tread plate different from those of other patterns, it covers an equivalent scope of application. It can be applied as face panels of fridges and air conditioners, floor plates for vehicles and platforms and packaging materials for pipelines. Generally speaking, large suppliers like Haomei provide alloys of 1050, 1060, 3003, 5052, 5754, 6061, 6063 and 6082 etc. Thickness of base plates ranges from 0.25 to 0.5mm and the embossing depth from 0.08mm to 0.25mm. The regular color of  orange peel pattern stucco embossed aluminium sheet  is natural silver, but it can be painted with any required color to meet different application needs. In comparison with other materials,  orange peel pattern stucco embossed aluminium sheet  is stronger and more corrosion resistant. Owing to unique patterns, it can be 20% harder than r

3005 PVC Aluminum Trim Coil

3005 PVC aluminum trim coil  is a popular material for building construction. It boasts light weight, excellent fire-proof property, long durability, convenient installation and good decoration effect. Its regular application includes interior decoration, exterior wall decoration, pillar trim and gate decoration etc. The existing ceiling styles are various. There are open, closed, wave, overlapping, algae-type, inner-circle and tortoise-type block ceiling panels. The colors comprise natural, golden, bronze and brown etc. The surface of  pvc aluminum trim coils  can be painted or anodized. The most frequently applied types of  3005 PVC aluminum trim coil  are tread plate, contour plate and perforated sheet. 3005 aluminium coil is endowed with good anti-rust performance. After being rolled by rollers with special patterns, it obtains patterns of beautiful appearance, medium height, strong wear resistance, good anti-skid property and excellent corrosion resistance.  3005 embossed alu

New Order of Aluminum Coils for Bottle Caps

Recently we received a new order of  aluminum coils for bottle caps  from Canada. The client was planning to invest in a new production line of bottle caps last year when he began contacting us. During our long yet pleasant negotiation the new line was finally put into trial operation. Days ago, he decided to purchase from us  8011A+H16/14 aluminum coil for screw tops and  3105+H16/14 ropp cap aluminium coil sheets  of 200 tons. Its a small quantity for the first stage of production, because he plans to raise the order to 1000 tons per month. The  8011 aluminum coils for bottle caps  are used for contacts with alcohol liquids and 3105 with water, olive oil and medicines etc. In spite of bigness of the order, the client has strict requirements about quality and shipment. However, we are confident enough to provide satisfying products for him, since we have the most advanced production lines for aluminum coils for bottle caps in the industry. As a leading manufacturer of  aluminu

Difference Between Aluminum Circle and Aluminium Circle Truss

The aluminum circle refers to round flat aluminum pieces used for production of cookware, lighting reflector and decorative parts. Also known as  aluminum circle discs , it boasts good corrosion resistance, excellent deep drawing property and long service life. There are mainly  1xxx aluminum circles  and  3000 series aluminium circle discs , including 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100 and 3003 etc. 1000 differs from 3000 in that it has weaker strength and anti-rust ability. Even stronger alloys, such as 5xxx and above, are not suitable for the deep drawing process. In addition to properties, aluminum discs also have lower price than other metal materials of similar features. An  aluminum circle  truss proves to be a totally different product. It’s actually a dimensional profile made of aluminum. Composed of a number of thin bent aluminium bars,  aluminium circle  trusses serve as frames in various occasions. If you plan to give a concert, for example, you will have to adopt them to support

Mirror Anodized Aluminum Sheet Used for Interior Decoration

Interior decoration becomes more and more diverse and personalized. No matter how its style changes, however, materials of light weight and long service life will stay popular. The most frequently applied metal material is  mirror anodized aluminum sheet . Mirror anodized aluminum sheet s cover a wide range of application in interior decoration. They can be used as panels for kitchen cupboards. Here they are usually painted and covered. Various designs for the surface are available to match different decoration styles. For example, I like green so I ordered a cupboard whose panels are painted with green leaves. With the catching on of aluminum furniture, closet panels can be made of  reflective aluminum sheets , too. Some floors are covered with  embossed mirror aluminum sheet  strips to separate different areas of a space, serving as both decorative and anti-slip panels. Ceilings are another important part adopting mirror anodized aluminum sheets. Similar to cupboard panels, the

Aluminum Mirror Sheet Used for Cars

Car decoration remains to take up a large share in application scope of  aluminium mirror sheet s.  Polished mirror sheet s can be used in interior and exterior decoration of cars such as cooling grids, trim strips, engine top covers, signage, buttons of cars and so on. According to different requirements of these products, the most appropriate process is selected to meet the high standards of physical and decorative effects of automotive decorative parts and to save the decoration cost as much as possible.  Reflective aluminium sheet metal s can also be embossed with classic or modern patterns to create a superior metal sense which contributes a lot to the top grade feeling of a car. The interior of modern cars looks more upscale and classic. Aluminum mirror sheet s are used for car decoration because of its excellent decoration effect, good anti-rust property, better conductivity and light weight.  Embossed aluminum mirror sheet s make a car operating panel shiny, attractive and

Aluminium Embossed Sheet Price and Patterns

Aluminium embossed sheet s are divided into pure aluminum and alloy aluminum, the prices of which are different. Pure aluminum checker plates are cheaper because of simper manufacturing process. The manufacturing cost of a professional factory is thousands of RMB, and a formal  aluminium embossed sheet manufacturer  give offers about 20% higher than small factories. Therefore, it’s not wise for buyers to focus only on prices in choosing suppliers. Other elements like professionalism, sheet quality, lead time, after sales service should all be taken into account. There are two most popular patterns for  stucco embossed aluminium sheet s: five bars and diamonds.  Five-bar  aluminium  embossed  pattern sheets  are also called willow leaf pattern sheets, widely applied in flooring and platform building of construction because of extraordinary anti-skid performance. The plate’s anti-slip ability originates from unique arranging method of the patterns. Five bars of each pattern parallel

3000 Series Aluminum Circle Plate Used for Reflective Sign Boards

3000 series aluminum circle plate s are classed as aluminum manganese alloys. They are slightly stronger than  1000 series of aluminium discs . Boasting excellent deep drawing performance, they are widely applied in production of various beverage cans. The circle plates are usually of O and cold hardening states. In addition to cookware and lighting parts, 3000 series aluminum circle plates can also be used for reflective sign boards. Reflective sign boards mainly refer to traffic panels, advertising panels and facade panels etc. As sign boards these panels are expected to withstand all kinds of natural influences like rain, wind, snow, sunshine and even occasional bumps of vehicles. This requires good corrosion resistance, long service life, high strength as well as strong flexibility.  3000 series aluminum circle plate s meet such requirements perfectly. They are known as a corrosion resistant series, serving as the top choice for cans containing liquid foods. This enables it r