How to Avoid Rusting of Color Coated Aluminum Coil
Color coated aluminum coil is widely applied in various areas like aluminum plastic panels, aluminum ceilings, fire-proof facial boards, garage rolling gates, wall cladding, advertising panels, traffic signs etc. The advantages of color coated aluminum coil are quite familiar to everybody. It’s beautiful, bright, resistant to corrosion and worms, light and durable. Good PVDF coated aluminum coil lasts decades in severe environment. However, disadvantages of the coil are rarely mentioned. The fact is that long exposure to moisture will lead to rusting of coated aluminum coil.
How to avoid the rusting, then? In other words, how to keep color coated aluminum coil from moisture? First, the coil should not be stored in garages and storage rooms leaking rain and snow. Second, try to keep the coil in dry air as possible as you can. Third, the foil should be sealed with drying agents in packing. Fourth, the sealed package should not be opened immediately after it goes from a dry region into a wet region. Fifth, the water content in the rolling oil should be kept below 0.04%. Sixth, the moisture of the wooden case for packing must be under 18% and its temperature below 45℃。If you want to sustain the service life of color coated aluminum coil efficiently, you should stick to the six steps above.
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