Classification of Aluminum Mirror Sheet

The expression of aluminum mirror sheet is just a general name for aluminum sheets of a reflective surface. If divided further, there are many classification methods. By reflectivity there are standard aluminum mirror sheethigh reflective aluminum sheet and super high reflective aluminum sheet. By surface treatment methods there are polished aluminum platemirror finish anodized aluminum sheet and embossed mirror sheet. And by metal contents the sheet can be divided into different series.
The reflectivity of a 95% high reflective aluminum sheet is great.
The two series most suitable to be processed into aluminum mirror sheets are 1000 and 5000, represented respectively by 1050, 1070, 1085, 5005 and 5657. 1000 series of sheets contain as much as 99% aluminium, regarded as the purest aluminum series and the cheapest one because of mature manufacturing process. 5000 is an alloying series containing a certain amount of magnesium (from 2-5%). Sheets of this series boast low density but high elongation rate. They prove to be excellent raw materials for high reflective aluminum sheet products.
The reflectivity of mirror aluminum sheets ranges from 85% to 98%. A standard sheet has a reflectivity of 85% and super high reflective aluminum sheet 98%. 95% reflective aluminum sheet ranks the middle, known as high reflective aluminum sheet. The embossed aluminum mirror sheet is mostly divided by embossed patterns. Sheets of different patterns are used in different conditions. For example, the hammer embossed reflective aluminum sheet is used for reflecting covers of cameras while diamond mirror sheet may be simply used for interior or auto decoration.
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