Can 5754 aluminum sheet be made into aluminum mirror sheet

 Can 5754 aluminum sheet be made into alu mirror sheet? There are two methods to make an ordinary aluminium sheet into a mirror plate: polishing and anodizing. Theoretically all alloys of aluminum can be treated by these two methods, but the effect varies from alloy to alloy. Common mirror aluminum plates are mainly made of 1 series pure aluminum plates and 5 series alloy aluminum plates. 1050, 1060, and 1070 in the 1 series aluminum plates are all good materials for making mirror aluminum plates. The 1 series aluminum plates have high aluminum content with simple process, low price and wide popularity in the market. The main element of the 5 series alloy aluminum plate is magnesium,thus it’s also called aluminum-magnesium alloy. 5xxx aluminum plates have the characteristics of low density, high tensile strength, and high elongation. Their production process entails continuous casting and rolling, namely, hot rolling, which is a process suitable for further oxidation. Regular alloys for 5xxx series include 5005, 5052, 5083 and 5754.

5754 aluminum mirror sheet

Can 5754 be made into aluminum mirror sheet, then? Yes. 5754 aluminium plate boasts medium strength, good corrosion resistance, excellent welding property and outstanding anodizing effect. Polished 5754 aluminum sheet proves to be popular materials for lamps, solar reflective panels, electric products etc. Anodized 5754 aluminium sheet can be used as a material for cell phone shells and laptop housing. The anodized film is vivid in color, dense in quality, adhesive in attachment to the sheet surface and durable in service.

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