
目前显示的是 八月, 2019的博文

What is food aluminium foil jumbo roll

  Made of flattened metal aluminum, the  food aluminium foil jumbo roll  is a type of industrial aluminum foil used as a raw material of household aluminium foil and food aluminium packaging foil. It is mainly used in kitchen cooking food, food packaging, or for making materials that can be easily cleaned. Thousands of tons of aluminum foil jumbo rolls are used throughout the world to protect and package food, cosmetics and chemicals. Most of the aluminum foil paper is shiny on one side and hoarse on the other. Food foils can be wrapped on both sides of the foil. It is usually recommended to wrap the shiny surface to enhance the heat transfer.   The food  aluminium foil jumbo roll  is usually used for food storage (such as aluminum foil paper tray) or baking bean sprouts, potatoes at barbecues or home. In addition to food packaging, the aluminium foil jumbo roll is sometimes used for decoration, aluminum electrode for electrolysis, perm foil by hair dressers and even oil absorbing p

Classification of color coated aluminum coils

 Color coated aluminum coils are light in weight, easy to form, attractive in color and strong in corrosion resistance. With more and more widened application scopes, their classification becomes more complicated. Here we discuss classifying them simply by thickness, surface paint and usage.   Thickness   Color coated aluminum coils can be divided into 4-20 micron single coating, 25-28 micron double coating, 35-38 micron 3 coating.   Surface Paint   They are divided into polyester, coated aluminum coil and fluorocarbon, coated aluminum coil, epoxy roller coated aluminum coil, fluorocarbon on one side, polyester on one side, and fluorocarbon on both sides.   Usage   The biggest usage is roofing. The 3000 and 5000 series  color coated aluminium coils  are used for aluminum alloy ceiling and home appliance panels. They are used in the interior decoration of household appliances, food grade chrome and roll coating of food materials, and drawing boards.   The research and d

Red anodized aluminum sheet

The red anodized aluminum sheet has a thin layer of aluminum oxide on the surface, and the thickness thereof is 5 to 20 μm, and the hard anodized film is 60 to 200 μm. The anodized aluminum plate has excellent wear resistance (up to 2320K) , good heat resistance, excellent insulation, and high breakdown voltage (2000V). The oxide film has a large number of micropores in the thin layer, which can adsorb various lubricants, and is suitable for manufacturing engine cylinders or other wear-resistant parts; the membrane microporous adsorption ability can be colored into various beautiful and beautiful colors. The red anodized aluminum sheet has a good forming performance, corrosion resistance, weld-ability and medium strength, used to make airplane oil tank, oil pipe, as well as the transportation vehicles, ships’ metal parts, instrument, lamps stent and rivet, metal products, electrical enclosure, etc.   Product Description of red  anodized aluminum sheet Alloy No. Thickness Width Len

Two types of aluminium foil packaging

 There are two types of aluminium foil packaging. One type is to wrap food or objects with  aluminium foil jumbo roll (or made into aluminium foil trays or containers), the other with aluminium foil bags.   Aluminum foil paper is usually used for food packaging (such as aluminum foil paper tray). It is used to grill food like bean sprouts and sweet potatoes at a barbecue to avoid burning. Sometimes used for decoration. Modern  aluminum foil paper  is made of aluminum and can also be used as an aluminum electrode for electrolysis. There are also hair stylists who use perm foil to perm for guests. Some people also use aluminum foil to absorb the oil in the soup. Aluminum foil is also widely used for the barrier layer, heat exchange, and as an electrical conductor. Typically, aluminum foil used in paper bag beverage packaging and food packaging is only 6.5 microns thick. This thin aluminum layer is water resistant, savory, anti-bacterial and anti-fouling.   The other type of  alumi

Polishing methods for clear mirror aluminum sheet

There are three polishing methods for clear mirror aluminum sheet: mechanical polishing, electrolytic polishing and chemical polishing. Mechanical polishing is generally the operation of pressing an  aluminium sheet   onto a rotating cloth wheel or other elastic wheel pre-coated with a polishing paste. The essence is to use the polishing wheel to smooth the extremely small unevenness on the surface. The aluminum sheet can be mechanically polished to obtain a mirror-like surface, and its color varies with the polishing paste used. Electrolytic polishing is to use an aluminum sheet as the anode. During the electrolysis process, the protruding speed of the protruding part of the sheet is higher than that of the low recess. As the polishing progresses, the microscopic and macroscopic convex and concave portions of the sheet surface are completely This process improves the micro-geometry of the metal surface, reduces the micro-roughness of the metal surface, and the aluminum profile brigh

Differences between 7075 and 6061 aluminum sheet pieces

  This article discusses differences between 7075 and 6061 aluminum sheet pieces in composition, hardness, price and application.   Composition   The  7075 aluminum sheet  mainly uses zinc as the main alloy, with a composition ratio of 6%.   The 6061 aluminum sheet mainly uses magnesium and silicon as the main alloys, and the total composition ratio is low.   Hardness   On the strength of 7075, it is stronger than steel, but only slightly stronger. Yield strength (the strength of the permanent bending deformation of aluminum) is only a little stronger than 6061.   Price   7075 is the lightest and strongest aluminum, and 7075 aluminium sheet price is super expensive!   6061 is the most common aluminum, light, strong, and economical, its price is not so high.   Application   7005 has a high proportion of other metals, so it is difficult to weld and handle. In particular, 7075 (the latter two figures represent the proportion of alloys) has a higher proportion, so it

5086 aluminum coil price | Haomei Aluminium

   5086 aluminum coil price  is higher than both 1000 and 3000 series. 5086 aluminum coil belongs to rust-proof aluminum which includes aluminum-magnesium alloy and aluminum-manganese alloy, because the alloy composition between the two increases their anti-corrosion performance. The aluminum-manganese alloy is represented by 3003, 3004 and 3105, and the aluminum-magnesium alloy by 5005, 5252, 5251, 5050, 5052, 5754, 5083, 5056, 5086 and the like. 5086 aluminum coil is used in applications requiring high corrosion resistance, good weldability and moderate strength, such as ship, automotive and aircraft sheet weldable parts; pressure vessels requiring severe fire protection, refrigeration units, television towers, loading and unloading equipment, Transportation equipment, missile parts, armor, etc.   We supply good price  5086 aluminum coil  of the following features.   chemical composition   Aluminum Al: balance   Silicon Si: ≤0.40   Copper Cu : ≤ 0.10   Magnesium Mg: 3.5

Composition solution for mirror finish aluminum sheet

The chemical polishing of mirror finish aluminum sheet usually adopts a 70% (mass percent) phosphoric acid based solution. The most commonly used is a mixture of phosphoric acid, nitric acid and sulfuric acid. When the composition of the alloy changes, the sulfuric acid content (mass percentage) is 9%. The change between l5% and the nitric acid content (% by mass) varies between 3% and 9%. Since the working temperature is around 105 °C, a large amount of nitrogen oxides are generated to pollute the environment. Therefore, based on the phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid mixture, the S-type copper brightener is used as an additive to produce a yellow-free chemical polishing process. However, this yellow-free chemical polishing is only suitable for pure aluminum or aluminum-magnesium alloys, like 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100 or  3105 aluminum sheet , and its effect is inferior on other aluminum alloys. Later, there was a formula with only 2% nitric acid, and similar additives were used, which d

How to obtain a specific aluminum checker plate price

The aluminum checker plate is a frequently applied semi-processed aluminium products in construction and vehicle making. Large pieces of aluminium checker plates are used as anti-slip floors in trucks, halls, elevators and boats. Generally speaking, cheaquered aluminium plates are divided into four types by alloys: 1000, 3000, 5000 and 6000 series. 1000 includes 1050, 1060, 1070 and 1100. 3000 is represented by  aluminum checker plate 3003 , 5000 by 5005 and 6000 by 6061 t6. Divided by patterns, there are plates with 5 bar, 1 bar, diamond, pebble, hammer, ripple, stucco and so on. If you want a specific aluminum checker plate price, you should first be clear about specifications of the plate, such as alloy, thickness, temper, pattern and size. The price is first closely related to the alloy of a plate. 1000, 3000, 5000 and 6000 alloys are more and more expensive successively. The most expensive is  aluminum checker plate 6061 t6 , as a high-quality aluminum alloy produced by the h

Đĩa nhôm tròn dùng cho ấm trà

Đĩa nhôm tròn dùng để chỉ các tấm nhôm tròn làm từ cuộn hoặc tấm nhôm. Bao gồm một loạt các ứng dụng, nó phục vụ trong các ngành công nghiệp khác nhau. Một trong những công dụng của nó là làm nguyên liệu cho ấm trà. Mọi người đã chọn đĩa tròn nhôm làm vật liệu cho ấm trà sau khi xem xét thứ hai. Chúng nhẹ, bền, dẫn nhiệt nhanh và chống gỉ. Trong những thập kỷ qua, các nhà cung cấp đĩa nhôm đã phải đối mặt với những thách thức nghiêm trọng trong ngành công nghiệp dụng cụ nấu ăn vì đã báo cáo rằng các sản phẩm nhôm có chứa nhôm, kẽm, đồng và các nguyên tố kim loại khác, những tạp chất này có tác dụng gây ung thư, đặc biệt là cho người già, nếu ăn quá nhiều nhôm , dễ bị bệnh Alzheimer và gãy xương nhất. Hấp thụ quá nhiều nhôm trong cơ thể con người cũng có thể ảnh hưởng đến quá trình chuyển hóa canxi và phốt pho, do đó ảnh hưởng đến các chức năng sinh lý bình thường của xương, như làm mềm xương, khử trùng xương và teo xương. Ngoài ra, nhôm cũng có thể làm giảm chức năng miễn dịch của


แผ่นอลูมิเนียมทรงกลมหมายถึงแผ่นอลูมิเนียมทรงกลมที่ทำจากม้วนหรือแผ่นแผ่นอลูมิเนียม ครอบคลุมแอปพลิเคชันที่หลากหลายมันให้บริการในอุตสาหกรรมต่าง ๆ หนึ่งในประเพณีคือวัตถุดิบสำหรับกาน้ำชา ผู้คนได้เลือกแผ่น วงกลมอลูมิเนียม เป็นวัสดุสำหรับกาน้ำชาหลังจากการพิจารณาครั้งที่สอง พวกเขามีน้ำหนักเบายาวนานความร้อนดำเนินการอย่างรวดเร็วและทนต่อการเกิดสนิม ในทศวรรษที่ผ่านมาผู้ผลิตแผ่นอลูมิเนียมต้องเผชิญกับความท้าทายที่รุนแรงในอุตสาหกรรมเครื่องครัวเนื่องจากมีรายงานว่าผลิตภัณฑ์อลูมิเนียมประกอบด้วยอลูมิเนียมสังกะสีทองแดงและส่วนประกอบโลหะอื่น ๆ สิ่งสกปรกเหล่านี้มีผลต่อการก่อมะเร็งโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งสำหรับผู้สูงอายุ ส่วนใหญ่ไวต่อโรคอัลไซเมอร์และกระดูกหัก การบริโภคอลูมิเนียมมากเกินไปในร่างกายมนุษย์อาจส่งผลต่อการเผาผลาญแคลเซี่ยมและฟอสฟอรัสซึ่งส่งผลต่อการทำงานทางสรีรวิทยาของกระดูกเช่นการทำให้กระดูกอ่อนลงการทำให้กระดูกอ่อนและกระดูกฝ่อ นอกจากนี้อลูมิเนียมยังสามารถลดการทำงานของระบบภูมิคุ้มกันของร่างกายและจะนำไปสู่องศาที่เป็นอันตรายต่อเนื้อเยื่อและอวัยวะต่าง ๆ เช่นสมอง, ตับ, ไต, หัวใจและระบบประสาท อย่างไรก็ตามคว

Wood grain aluminum trim coil manufacturer and supplier

The wood grain aluminum trim coil is obtained by coating wood grain onto aluminium coil. It is scanned by high resolution, recorded in a computer program and manually modified to achieve a more realistic and three-dimensional effect after advanced roll coating process. An  aluminum trim coil  wood grain is durable and can be divided into indoor and outdoor coatings according to the environment and economy. The interior is generally a polyester coating with a dry film thickness of about 16-25 um and a shelf life of more than 10 years. The exterior is made of fluorocarbon coating, the dry film thickness is about 25-30um, and the warranty period is more than 15 years. Wood grain aluminum coil is a high-grade metal decoration material that directly produces a simulated pattern on the surface of a certain thickness of aluminum coil, that is, it has a strong hand when touched. The wood grain aluminum substrate adopts single-layer aluminum coil for curtain wall such as 1100H24, 1060H24,


アルミニウム丸ディスクとは、ロールまたはアルミニウムシートのシートから作られた丸いアルミニウムシートを指します。幅広いアプリケーションをカバーし、さまざまな業界で役立っています。その用途の1つは、ティーポットの原料としてです。 人々は、再検討の末、ティーポットの材料として アルミサークル 製の円盤を選びました。それらは軽く、長持ちし、迅速な熱伝導性と錆びに強い。アルミニウム製品にはアルミニウム、亜鉛、銅、その他の金属元素が含まれていることが報告されているため、過去数十年間、アルミニウム製ディスクのサプライヤーは調理器具業界で深刻な課題に直面していました。 、アルツハイマー病および骨折の影響を最も受けやすい。人体のアルミニウムの過剰摂取は、カルシウムとリンの代謝にも影響を与え、それにより、骨軟化、骨の脱灰、骨萎縮などの骨の正常な生理学的機能に影響を与える可能性があります。さらに、アルミニウムは体の免疫機能を低下させることもあり、脳、肝臓、腎臓、心臓、神経系などの組織や臓器にさまざまな程度の害をもたらします。しかし、この心配はアルミサークル製のティーポットには存在しません。現代のアルミニウム製の円盤は通常、ティーポットセットにされる前に陽極酸化され、アルミニウムの外出を防ぐ保護層が付与されます。 実際、アルミニウム鍋での調理は野菜のビタミンCを保護するのに適していることがわかっています。栄養士は、人間の健康のニーズを満たすために、1人あたり1日あたりのビタミンCの量は100〜200 mgにしか達することができないと示唆しています。実験では、100グラムのキュウリをアルミニウム鍋に使用すると、ビタミンC含有量がノンスティックパンよりも約10 mg高くなります。これは、2つの大きなリンゴを食べるのと同じですが、揚げ野菜とキャベツはそれぞれステンレス製の鍋と13。 MGはもう1個の桃を食べることに相当します。さらに、アルミニウム製のパンは使用時に軽くて便利です。したがって、アルミサークル製の丸いディスクまたは調理器具で作られたティーポットを使用する必要はもうありません。 Reprinted from  http://www.alujp.com/aluminum-round-disc-for-teapots.html

Aluminum round disc used for teapots

 The aluminum round disc refers to round aluminium sheets made from rolls or sheets of aluminum sheets. Covering a wide range of application, it serves in various industries. One of its usages is as a raw material for teapots.   People have chosen aluminum circle discs as a material for teapots after second consideration. They are light, lasting, quick heat conducting and rust resistant. In last decades  aluminum discs suppliers  have been faced with severe challenges in the cookware industry because it was reported that aluminum products contain aluminum, zinc, copper and other metal elements, these impurities have carcinogenic effects, especially for the elderly, if excessive intake of aluminum, most susceptible to Alzheimer's disease and fractures. Excessive intake of aluminum in the human body may also affect the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, thereby affecting the normal physiological functions of the bone, such as bone softening, bone decalcification, and bone atro

Blue anodized aluminum sheet supplier and manufacturer

The blue anodized aluminum sheet  is a very common material with many advantages. Alloy aluminum sheet has good forming performance, corrosion resistance, weld-ability and medium strength, used to make airplane oil tank, oil pipe, as well as the transportation vehicles, ships’ metal parts, instrument, lamps stent and rivet, metal products, electrical enclosure, etc.   Product Description of blue  anodized aluminum sheet Alloy No. Thickness Width Length Temper (mm) (mm) (mm) A1050,A1060, A1070,A1100 0.2-100 20-2200 20-8000 O,H12,H22,H14, H16,H18, H24,H26,etc A3003,A3105, A3004 0.2-100 20-2200 20-8000 O,H14,H18,H24,etc A5052 ,A5005, 5082A5083,A5754 0.2-100 20-2200 20-8000 O,H18,H24,H32,H34, H111,H112 ,etc A6061,A6082, A6063 0.2-200 20-2200 20-8000 T4,T6, T651,etc A8011 0.2-100 20-2200 20-8000 O,H12,H22,H14,H16, H18,H24,H26, etc Packing : Export wooden pallets. The bundle wegiht not exceed 2MT. Loading:by 1x20GP. The inner size of container is belo

Buy aluminum sheet mirror polish here

The “aluminum sheet mirror polish” is a phrase created by clients’ searching way, the product is called mirror polish  aluminum sheet  actually. A aluminum plate can be mirrored after being polished and polished. The mirrored aluminum plate has a strong anti-corrosion effect, because aluminum is oxidizing and can form a dense aluminum oxide film on the surface, which can protect the internal material. The surface of the  aluminum mirror sheet  is as smooth and reflective as the mirror surface, so it is specially used for making reflectors, such as the reflector of the lamp panel and the reflective surface of the LED spotlight, which are made of mirror aluminum. Mirror aluminum plate has beautiful and practical characteristics. In addition to lamps, it has performed well in interior decoration materials, furniture materials, electronic product casings, etc. It is also widely favored in the fields of electronic products, household appliances panels, luggage, etc. In a word, it’s a stro

How to pack aluminium strip before delivery

  A aluminum strip is so soft that it is necessary to avoid bumping during packaging and movement. Bumping during delivery will form pits on the surface of aluminium strips, which directly affects the use. Therefore, the aluminum belt should not be bumped and bumped in the packaging and transportation. In manufacturing process,  aluminium strip suppliers  should make every effort to avoid flaws and reduce edge burrs to improve performance and accuracy of the strip. What’s more, wider and wider application of aluminum strips leads to higher and higher requirements in its production. It’s really a pity if perfect strips get damaged during delivery. How to pack aluminium strip before delivery, then?   It is usually packaged in a vertical format. The aluminium strip of each disc are separated by foam and wooden boards, and the paper tubes are connected in series by paper tubes and plastic tubes, and the packaging is firm to prevent looseness between the discs. Uncut and cut aluminum-pl

Precautions in slitting aluminium strip

 Aluminium strips are widely used in manufacturing industries such as radiators, cables, transformers and so on. The aluminum strip is obtained by slitting aluminum coil of given materials and thicknesses. For example,  aluminium strip 1mm  is processed by cutting 1mm thick aluminium coil into strips of the desired width. The precautions for the strips during slitting are as follows.   The current aluminum strip slitting machine can keep the width tolerance between 0.05mm and 0.1mm, so the slitting unit must be set by the operator, and the production can be started after the calibration, and the problem of large dimensional deviation must not occur. The burr phenomenon at the edge of the aluminium strip is mainly caused by the cutting tool. If the edge burr is found to be serious, stop production immediately and find the cause.   The aluminum coil is usually laid flat when it is cut, or it can be placed vertically. The aluminum strip should be tightly wound on a steel or aluminum

China aluminum metal checker plate suppliers analysis

When you are searching for aluminum metal checker plate suppliers Google, Facebook or Alibaba, you find out six China suppliers in ten. On the one hand, this means you have multiple choices with China suppliers. On the other hand, however, you may be bewildered, unless you want only China suppliers. Here we give a detailed analysis of  aluminum checker plate suppliers  in China. Based on rough estimation there are around one thousand suppliers offering aluminum metal checker plate in China through various promotion sources, including websites (at Google and Yahoo), B2B platforms (Represented by Alibaba) and SNS (represented by Facebook). Armed to teeth, China suppliers rank in the first pages of these platforms and websites. The pattern of aluminum plates they offer are  five bar , three bar, two bar, one bar, diamond, pebble, hammer, ripple etc, among which five bar and  one bar  aluminum tread plate s are the most representative, exported to high end markets in North America. As